Monday, March 7, 2011

Coughs & Colds Are Doing The Rounds: How To Combat Them With Herbs

By Jackie Rive at 
Helping horses and dogs live healthier and happier lives, naturally.

I've heard a lot horse owners complaining about the coughs and colds that seem to be doing the rounds at the moment (not just the horses either, the owners seem to be suffering as well!) So I have pulled together a brief outline explaining which natural herbs can be used effectively to help combat colds and viruses. I hope you find it of some use in battling those nasties!

Four different categories of herbs are utilised to help combat the common cold.

First, herbs that stimulate the immune system to fight the infection are used during and possibly to prevent colds. Echinacea and Asian ginseng are two examples in this category.

Second, herbs that promote a mild fever, hence sweating (known as diaphoretics) may be useful. Because a fever is a sign of the immune system working, it may be that diaphoretics are also immune stimulators like the first category. Elder, boneset and yarrow are three examples.

The third category includes herbs that may directly kill the viruses that cause colds, based on test tube studies. Goldenseal, myrrh and usnea are examples.

Finally, some herbs are used just to alleviate symptoms such as sore throats. These herbs tend to be high in mucilage and are soothing and anti-inflammatory or have tannins that are astringent. Marshmallow and red raspberry are two examples. Symptom-relieving herbs may have other active constituents and mechanisms of actions. As you can see in the following list, many herbs fit in more than one category, such as goldenseal (immune stimulating and antiviral).


Asian ginseng, astragalus, boneset, echinacea, eleuthero, goldenseal, hyssop, linden, schisandra, wild indigo.


Boneset, elder flower, hyssop, linden, yarrow.

Symptom-relieving Astringent (soothe sore throat):

Blackberry, blueberry, red raspberry.

Mucilage (soothe sore throat):

Marshmallow, mullein.

Reduce nasal stuffiness:

Eucalyptus, peppermint.

Relieve aches and pains:


Miscellaneous sore throat relief:

Sage, yarrow.

Brookby Herbs have developed natural herbal products to help your animals combat colds and viruses. For horses we offer Echinacea Organic Plus, a natural antibiotic that also boosts the immune system and Breathe Free, a natural expectorant for treating respiratory problems such as viral coughs and colds. It will help to soothe away any irritations and unblock the airways.

Organic Immune Booster for dogs is a certified organic blend of herbs which enhances your dog's general well-being and protects against common dog health problems like kennel cough symptoms.

Visit for a full range of natural organic herbal health blends for animals.

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